In order to collect the highest amount of reimbursement from your insurance company for a water damage claim, it’s a good idea to periodically document its condition and to retain evidence of damage when it occurs. Insurance companies are always looking for ways to reduce what they pay out for claims, but taking the proper steps to preserve your claim can increase the chance that you'll collect what you’re entitled to. If the insurance company is stalling or not paying what they should, you can call an experienced Miami-Dade and Broward County water damage claim attorney that will force the insurance company to pay out what you’re entitled to. Call the Innocent Law Firm at 954-903-1737 for a free consultation.
The Duty To Mitigate
The implied agreement that you will do everything possible to minimize water damage to your property is called the duty to mitigate. It means that you are responsible for noticing water spots on ceilings and walls and other signs of damage in their early stages. Once you’re aware of a problem, you’re expected to take reasonable steps to avoid additional damage. If you fail to do this, the insurance company is likely to decline or reduce the payment you receive. For example, as soon as you become aware of a leaking shower, you are expected to call a plumber and report the problem to your insurance company. If you wait until it’s so bad that the ceiling collapses, you might not receive full compensation.
Document Your Damage
As soon as you notice water damage, it’s important to take photos and videos of the damage that support your claim. It’s also a good idea to take pictures of what you believe caused the damage, such as broken pipes or holes in the roof. Next, make a list of all the damaged property and its location. Be sure to keep all physical evidence of the damage such as ruined clothing, furniture, or rugs. Having the right evidence will help your Miami-Dade and Broward County water damage attorney present your case to the insurance company strongly. Call the Innocent Law Firm at 954-903-1737 for a free consultation.
Miami-Dade and Broward County Water Damage Attorney
It’s unfortunate that insurance companies sometimes delay or deny valid claims, trying to reduce the amount they pay out in order to keep their profits high. That’s why you need to hire an experienced Miami-Dade and Broward County water damage attorney to hold your insurance company accountable.
Call the Innocent Law Firm at 954-903-1737 for a free consultation.